How to obtain a high band score in the Discussion Round?
Cambridge IELTS institute is issuing new methods and approaches for the betterment of novice learners as well as who attended the IELTS exam and did not obtain a band score that is up to the mark. Here Cambridge will shed some light on Part 3 of Speaking: Two-way communication How Long Does the IELTS Speaking Part 3 take time? IELTS Speaking Discussion Round lasts four/ five minutes. The examiner will usually ask about 4 to 6 questions Your answers may last between 30 to 60 seconds Step one. 70/75 percent of discussion round are related to cue cards. Step two. Candidates must answer each question in two/three lines. Step three. Try to understand and analyze the question. Step four. Strive to answer the question in an elaborative way. Step five. If you do not understand the question try to ask for the rephrasing. Step 6. You should prolong your answers. How to obtain a high band score in the Discussion Round? Concentrate on the following steps: a). Keep your eye contact b). S...